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Equality & Diversity Policy

Equality & Diversity Policy

A diverse workforce demonstrates social responsibility and social awareness and enhances the ability of a business to be competitive and tap into new markets. Diversity is a key strategy to increase employee satisfaction, understand the needs of customers and find staff to fill skills gaps.

The Equality Act 2010 makes it against the law to discriminate against individuals based on age, disability and other protected characteristics. By introducing relevant policies – and creating a culture of inclusion – businesses can reap the commercial benefits of ensuring an equal and diverse workforce, including improving performance, building a good reputation, and attracting and keeping staff.

The presence of equality and diversity within Ecowelle can be seen from the employee details.

  • It can show the multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic diversity present in the
    group of employees in Ecowelle.
  • The age differences in the workforce can be pointed out to show that the firm does not
    practice any discrimination towards candidates based on age. (The Equality Act 2010)
  • No discrimination is shown by the firm based on the race, ethnicity, gender, age,
    religion, ability, and sexual orientation.
  • The code of conduct of Ecowelle clearly mentions that the firm will not tolerate any
    form of aggression, racism or abusive language to clients and co-workers. Severe
    disciplinary action will be taken up against the defaulters.
  • The firm ensures that all the recruitments are done in a fair and unbiased manner.

A good diversity policy result in:

  • Improved performance
  • Improved employer image
  • Improved brand awareness
  • Improved ability to respond and change through creativity and innovation
  • Innovative approaches to products
  • Reflective diversity makes customers feel at home.

A diverse workforce helps support an environment where employees can fulfil their potential in an environment free from bias, discrimination, segregation, or favouritism. Ecowelle benefits from a diverse employee workforce when each employee or staff member contributes ideas based on their experiences and background. This encourages learning and creativity, important skills in company development.