Working with Excellence

Working with excellence towards affordable and smart Fuel, Buildings & Systems



(Feb 2023)
Our website has been updated for our operations away from UK in Europe, Asia and Africa has been updated. Enquire online through our international web page or directly to our mailbox to [email protected]

(Nov 2022)
Ecowelle has been successfully registered with UK Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) for Levys and Grants.


Alternative source of energy are just unavoidable and so important to invest in, adapt for power, heating and other energy demands.


There always have been research and development to try improving the living standards, whereas now it’s all about achieving the more energy efficient buildings, 


Engineering is the practical science that is used for the betterment of mankind and this stands too relevant with our mission statement, ‘working towards a sustainable tomorrow’.


As per our responsibility, we actively invest and take part in Care for Environmental and Public Welfare projects locally, nationally and globally.

About Ecowelle

Working towards a sustainable tomorrow

Founded in Sept 2010 as a construction company in England & Wales and started offering project management and later extended into large range scopes of construction applications, building engineering projects ranging from simple and complex designs, maintenance services in built environment, fuel technologies and systems management. We strongly believe that, to achieve sustainability in the societies, affordable solutions are key and this relates to our mission statement, ‘for working towards a sustainable tomorrow’ and genuinely offering generous, affordable, very competitive deals and packages for everyone while supporting, promoting values in communities, societies and environment. 

Our UK, EU and International operational engagements cover Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, Construction, Catering Engineering, Homes, Renewables, Gas & Fuel Technologies, Facilities and Heating services and management. 


Our Research & Development division is always keen to make solutions and offers for our clients to meet these targets

Engineering is the practical science that is used for the betterment of mankind and this stands too relevant with our mission statement, ‘working towards a sustainable tomorrow’. We genuinely believe in, systemised it and deliver energy efficiency, safety, healthier environment at affordable price so its reachable and hence contributing to make sustainable society.

Energy Auditing

Quality Check

Engineering Projects Management


Ecowelle Construction Division

Office buildings windows. Glass architecture facade design with reflection

Construction Expertise

Designing, planning, and building commercial, industrial and residential units

Designing, planning, and building the estates comprising commercial, industrial and residential units evolving the construction methods and technologies has been continuously changed over the time to suite the mankind and their comforts. There always have been research and development to try improving the living standards, whereas now it’s all about achieving the more energy efficient buildings, reducing the development cost and time, causing lesser waste and facilitating more multi-use spaces.

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Graduates, Tradesmen trained

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Project Executed

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Professionals Fleet

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Customer Satisfaction


Ecowelle since 2010

With a highly trained skilled workforce, Ecowelle offers a wide range of Fuel, Buildings & Systems Services.

Affordable Pricing over Competitors


Dedicated Project Care


Ecowelle is committed to offer most generous deals & competitive services for commercial, industrial & residential buildings caring for businesses, public, societies, communities and environment. Whereas, we actively take part in local, national and global causes supporting the environment and public welfare. Our facilities services offer probably one of the most generous offers to commercial businesses, private clients and charity organisations in UK and Europe.

We offer a wide range of projects and operations consultancy and contracting services in fuel technologies, traditional and modern type buildings and systems management in UK, EU and internationally. However, we feel ourselves very responsible to add value to communities and environment. This is achieved by taking part in government schemes and also extensive activities ourselves supporting skill sharing to tradesmen, graduates support, youth empowerment, free safety checks for commercial buildings, clean water supply to who are in need, trees plantation and waste reducing programs.